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Starpilot's Grave cover Starpilot's Grave by Debra Doyle and James D. Macdonald

Published by Tor Books

Reviewed by Leigh Kimmel

This novel continues the story that was begun in The Price of the Stars. Beka and her brothers, offspring of the victors of the war against the Mageworlds, are rapidly finding themselves in the midst of a second Magewar.

On the hunt for their mother's killer, Beka crosses the Net into the territory of the Mageworlds. There she discovers that the Magelords have rebuilt their strength in secret, and have become far more powerful than anyone in the Republic suspects. If something isn't done soon, this new Magewar may well go very badly against the Republic.

Meanwhile, things are becoming complicated in a surprising way. Everybody in the Republic knows that Magework is dark sorcery and the Adepts of the Guild have the only legitimate method of working with those powers. But when Guild-trained Mistress Llannat Hyfid suddenly comes into possession of a Magelord's ebon rod after her own wooden Adept's staff vanishes into the Void, those comfortable certainties get awfully shaky.

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This review posted October 18, 2000

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