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A Sending of Dragons cover A Sending of Dragons by Jane Yolen

Published by Harcourt Brace

Reviewed by Leigh Kimmel

A terrorist bomb put a sudden and violent end to young Jakkin Stewart's simple ambitions of prosperity as a master dragon-trainer. Then it killed his beloved dragon, with which he won his freedom. But in a desperate attempt to save his life and that of the woman he loves, he found a strange transformation within the dying dragon's corpse.

Non Jakkin and Akki, accompanied by the hatchlings of his dragon's last clutch, make a desparate journey overland to a faint hope of safety. Their senses have been awakened to a whole new level of awareness by their change, and they can travel through the coldest night without protection.

However, they are not the first to make this discovery, as they learn on their travels. In a system of hidden caverns they discover a tribe of people who deliberately seek out the transformation. But is the price too high if the dragons of Austar IV are indeed rational creatures?

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Review posted December 15, 2000

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