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Rediscovery cover Rediscovery by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Mercedes Lackey

Published by DAW Books

Reviewed by Leigh Kimmel

This novel tells the long-awaited story of how the Terrans rediscovered Darkover after its millenia-long isolation. Cultural misunderstanding and deliberate selfishness lead to disaster and plant the seeds of several generations of conflict.

Unfortunately, this novel is disappointing in a number of ways. There are blatant contradictions with the existing novels. The chronology is simply impossible to resolve in a way that meshes satisfyingly with the rest of Darkover.

Worst of all, it reads like the authors are trying really, really hard to explain how everything in the existing books came to be. Like dancing, fiction writing really needs to appear effortless to acheive its full effect. This novel gets a nod for being a good try, but is likely to be of interest only to the Darkover completist. Otherwise, re-read some of her earlier books such as The Shattered Chain or The Forbidden Tower.

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Review posted October 5, 2000

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