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Your First Year in Network Marketing cover Your First Year in Network Marketing

Overcome Your Fears, Experience Success and Achieve Your Dreams!

by Mark Yarnell and Rene Reid Yarnell

Published by Prima Publishing


Reviewed by Leigh Kimmel

Many people have found enormous success in network marketing, also known as multi-level marketing. Others have found only disappointment and failure, and have become soured on the whole idea. What makes the difference between the successes and the failures?

The authors of this book, Mark Yarnell and Rene Reid Yarnell, argue that the first year is a critical period for the success or failure of a person's network marketing experience. They then explore nine major pitfalls that can lead to disaster and methods of avoiding them.

The authors emphasize the importance of getting involved only with reputable companies who have a solid product or line of products to sell and who have a sound organization that can maintain service as the company grows and that emphasizes training people to achieve their goals through working well. This is particularly important because a number of disreputable companies have given network marketing a bad reputation by having shoddy products and telling people that they can sit back and let others do the hard work while the profits roll in.

The Yarnells also develop ways to deal with the inevitable problem of rejection, both by one's friends for being involved at all and by prospects during sales presentations. There is a very real danger of becoming depressed by the inevitable setbacks one will face, but there are ways of avoiding them.

Then there are the pitfalls that come from carrying over patterns of operation from traditional corporate business models, which simply aren't appropriate for network management, which depends heavily upon interpersonal storytelling. Excessive management and the executive mindset can destroy a network marketer's potential, as can meetings that overwhelm and overcontrol. High-energy hotel and office meetings cannot be duplicated throughout the organization, and lead to feelings of inadequacy. However, the Yarnells also provide alternative solutions for the needs that these problems are attempting to address.

In all, this book is an excellent guide through the maze that faces a person who is just beginning in network marketing. Reading and studying it can make the difference between success and failure for the budding network marketing entreprenuer.

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Review posted April 11, 2001

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