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The Work at Home Sourcebook

Seventh Edition

by Lynie Arden

Published by Live Oak Publications


Reviewed by Leigh Kimmel

So you want to work at home. Maybe you're a parent with small children, who would prefer not to have to entrust them to daycare. Perhaps you face physical challenges that make commuting and the standard office environment difficult. Or perhaps you are just tired of the daily grind of workplace politics, and want to spend your work time actually being productive instead of playing games that should have been left on the playground in grade school.

However, actually making the jump to working at home is often easier said than done. Where do you even start? How can you make money without having to go to an office or factory or some other formal workplace?

This is where this book is particularly useful. Lynie Arden has accumulated a vast wealth of information on the different possibilities for working at home, ranging from telecommuting to starting your own small business.

For instance, do you relish the independence of being your own boss, or do you need the safety net of a regular paycheck? For some, starting their own business may be just the thing they need, while others may prefer to remain employees of a traditional company but use various telecommuting strategies to do at least part of their work at home.

The real wealth of this book lies in the lists of thousands of companies that hire home workers or buy products made by homeworkers. These lists have complete contact information, so that you can use them to get in touch with these companies without having to do any additional research. In addition, Arden has included tips and pointers on how to go about contacting companies, including basic business etiquette so you won't inadvertantly shoot yourself in the foot by breaking a rule that "everyone knows" in the business but never quite comes up in school.

buy the book Click here to buy The Work at Home Sourcebook in paperback.

Review posted April 11, 2001

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