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What Rich People Know & Desperately Want to Keep Secret coverWhat Rich People Know & Desperately Want to Keep Secret

by Brian Sher

Published by Prima Soho


Reviewed by Leigh Kimmel

On what is success built? What is real wealth, as opposed to simply having large amounts of money? How can a person become rich after a lifetime of poverty?

Brian Sher, an Australian entreprenuer, addresses the question of wealth from a philosophical perspective. His Christian beliefs may be offputting to some, but he does not come across as preachy and the basic moral imperatives that underlie his beliefs are applicable to almost every religious system -- treating others fairly, having a firm moral compass, etc.

Sher develops four critical advantages that each person has -- yourself, your marketing, your people and your systems. He shows ways in which one can maximize each of these critical advantages and be one of the people who have succeeded in business, rather than one of the many who fail.

Throughout this book he emphasizes the importance of a firm ethical foundation, of treating others honestly and never cutting corners "just this once" to get a temporary benefit. He believes so strongly in his principles that he even offers a money-back guarantee -- if you can show that you have faithfully practiced his ideas but have not benefitted financially, he will personally refund the purchase price of the book.

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Review posted April 11, 2001

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