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Network Marketing for Dummies cover Network Marketing for Dummies

by Zig Ziglar

Published by IDG Books Worldwide


Reviewed by Leigh Kimmel

Zig Ziglar, famous for his books and seminars on motivation and success, has turned his hand to writing a basic guidebook for people interested in network marketing. Ziglar himself is the chairman of the Zig Ziglar Corporation, a network marketing system committed to helping its members learn how to fully use their potential and realize their dreams. As such, he draws heavily upon his own organization for examples, but also looks to the experiences of other companies where appropriate.

Ziglar begins by dealing with how to choose a reputable network marketing company. Unfortunately, some very disreputable companies who promised outlandish returns have tainted the entire field of network marketing with the aura of dishonesty. However, there are still plenty of honest companies out there, if one is willing to do the necessary homework to find them.

Ziglar emphasizes looking for honesty and integrity in a company, and researching beyond surface appearances to find out the records of the people running the company. Additional criteria include the quality of the products being sold by the company and the marketing practices they use. If it is not a company, product or system that you would be proud of being associated with, don't involve yourself in it.

Once you have selected a company that you will be proud to represent, you need to organize your business and develop it. Ziglar provides plenty of advice on the materials and skills you will need to develop your own frontline customer base (the people buying directly from you) and your downline (the distributors you recruit to sell to others).

Want to know why it's important to set goals in your business?

Want to know how to use affirmations to build self-confidence and give yourself the ability to meet those goals?

Want to know how to identify potential customers and successfully close sales?

It's all in this book, and more as well. If you're even thinking of getting involved in network marketing, this book is an absolute must.

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Review posted April 11, 2001

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