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Internet Marketing for Less than $500/Year coverInternet Marketing for Less than $500/Year

by Marcia Yudkin

Published by Maximum Press


Reviewed by Leigh Kimmel

This is the book for the absolute beginner who wants to learn how to use the Internet to promote a business. It begins by discussing what the Internet is and how it works, in simple, non-technical language. From there, the author shows the ways in which you can use the power of the Internet to get the word out about your business without spending a bundle.

For instance, does your Website pull visitors, or does it push them away? Web site design can make or break your attempts to use the Web to promote your company. Here are plenty of tips on how to make your Website easy to read and navigate so that people will want to explore, and maybe even more important, to come back again and again.

E-mail is another way to make or break your business. Unsolicited commercial e-mail, often called "spam," can create massive amounts of ill-will and even lose you your Internet connection. But there are plenty of other ways to contact people by e-mail, including business mailing lists and e-zines. This book will show you how to use them to reach the people who are already interested in your products or services and want to hear more about it.

How do you deal with the press without putting your foot in your mouth and shooting yourself in it? How do you inspire trust and assure potential customers that you are indeed for real? How do you reach across international borders? How can you protect yourself from some of the very real perils that exist on the digital frontier, the new Wild West?

Get this book and find out. As an additional bonus, owners of this book will receive complimentary access to a private website with more information, regularly updated in a way no printed book can be. This small investment will bring you large returns.

buy the book Click here to buy Internet Marketing for Less than $500/Year in paperback.

Review posted April 17, 2001

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