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e-Business: Roadmap for Success

by Dr. Ravi Kalakota and Marcia Robinson

Published by Addison-Wesley


Reviewed by Leigh Kimmel

Information technology is clearly the wave of the future for business. Already it has become an essential to a business's success to have a Website and be able to take orders online. This is known as e-commerce.

However, e-business goes beyond simply using Internet technology to take instant orders. It invovles a complete integration of the power of information technology into the struture and systems of a business. One cannot simply think in terms of technology, but rather of an overall e-business design.

e-Business allows for greater flexibility in responding to customer needs. Value must now be defined in terms of the total customer experience. By innovating in all areas of a business, technology can create an integrated value stream that provides a new level of service for the customer.

The authors explore all the ramifications of the developing information technology revolution and what businesses must do to fully take advantage of it. Businesses who ignore these major changes are in danger of being swept away by the rising tide instead of lifted by it.

Although most of the examples in this book are drawn from larger businesses and particularly major corporations, this does not mean that it is irrelevant to small businesses. Far from it, the small business stands to gain the most from taking full advantage of the new possibilities afforded by information technology. Computers and other information technology can leverage a single person's performance many times over, and turn a marginal small business into a phenominally successful one.

buy the book Click here to buy e-Business: Roadmap for Success in paperback.

buy the book Click here to buy e-Business 2.0: Roadmap for Success in paperback.

Review posted April 11, 2001

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