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Consulting for Dummies cover Consulting for Dummies

by Bob Nelson and Peter Economy

Published by IDG Books Worldwide


Reviewed by Leigh Kimmel

Do you enjoy solving problems? Then being a consultant might be for you.

Consultants are outside experts that companies hire to help them solve specific problems for their business. A person with expertise in a particularly desirable area can experience considerable success working as an independant consultant, or as part of a consulting firm.

The authors of this book are both successful independent consultants. In this hefty volume they provide all the basics you will need to know to strike out on your own as an independent consultant.

How do you go about writing a winning proposal? How do you manage the data and sort the significant from the noise? How do you develop and present your recommendations so they will be received by your clients? How do you help your clients implement your recommendations so they will stick for the long term?

There is also nuts-and-bolts advice about the basic skills a consultant needs, including time management, communication, technology, and ethics. Want to know how to set up your business, from the mechanics of a home office to the tightrope of setting up fee structures that will get you paid what you're worth? How do you go about getting the word out that you're in business as a consultant without shooting yourself in the foot?

It's all here, presented in a clear, lucid style with a dash of humor to liven the technical parts. And no "for Dummies" book would be complete without the parts of ten -- ten ways to use the Internet to market your business, ten mistakes, ten tips for a winning proposal, etc.

So you want to be a consultant? This book is definitely for you.

buy the book Click here to buy Consulting for Dummies in paperback.

Review posted April 11, 2001

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